business insurance SOS insurance

Business Insurance

Our policies provide one of the best Commercial products in the marketplace today both in excellent scope of cover at competitive premium levels.

We can cover most types of business operations including amongst others:

  • All types of Shops
  • Supermarkets
  • Offices
  • Bars / Restaurants
  • Hairdressers
  • Beauty Salons

The sums insured and extent of cover can be tailor made relative to your business needs.

Obtaining the correct cover will of course have a direct influence on the level of premiums to be paid.

Public Liability

All employers of staff, or self employed individuals, need protection of public liability insurance.

We can insure most types of businesses and trades. The following are representative of just a few businesses which we can insure:

  • Shops and commercial operation
  • Market Traders
  • Builders and Contractors
  • Plumbers and Electricians
  • Pool Maintenance
  • Gardeners
  • TV and Satellite installers
  • Care workers

Charitable Organisations

We have a strong affinity with organisation who undertake charitable work and to this end if any registered charities take out Public Liability or Business Insurance with ourselves, we donate back to the charity 50% of our commission.

Please complete the form below and we will get back to you.

Business Insurance Quote

Data Security

All personal data (belonging to the Policy Holder, the Insured or Beneficiary), for the purpose of providing a quotation or taking out a Policy, shall be the responsibility of SOS Insurance (and where necessary incorporated into their files) for the following purposes:The management and suitability of our services for your particular profile, as well as the sending, by any means of communication (including electronic), in the cases mentioned and after the end of the contractual relationship, of loyalty actions, promotional surveys and draws, as well as commercial offers of insurance products, financial services or others related to the automobile or house insurance business promoted by SOS Insurance.


Recommended Services

At SOS Insurance, we are proud to work alongside other professionals providing excellent services to the Ex Patriot Community and have no hesitation in promoting their Companies. If you would like further information, please click on the links below.


Customer Reviews

Andrea Simmons - Sonrisa Resturant
September 1, 2014
I was previously with a well known Direct Insurer and my premium increased to 870E! I rang SOS Insurance and their price was an amazing 450.00 euros, a massive saving of over 400 euros!!! Because the service was so … read more
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