health insurance SOS Insurance

Health Insurance

The health insurance stays at the age you join, it will NOT increase year upon year!
Residencia, the paper work can be obtained within 2 days!

Our Health policy offers a Basic cover up to the Master level of cover and is available throughout Spain. The main areas of cover provided are:

Primary care services, specialists, hospitalisation, surgery, preventive medicine for different types of cancer and coronary risk and family planning among others.

The policy also meets the Social Security’s level of required cover, in order to apply for Spanish Residencia.

Below is a description of the policies and the different levels of cover offered under each contract.

Description of benefits Basic Standard Plus Master
General medicine Included
Clinical analysis Included
Radiology Included
Diagnostics (Special radiology, CAT, MRI, etc) Included. Sedation on digestive Endoscopies within Basic to Master. Includes contrast and sedation for digestive endoscopy
Specialised medicine Included   
Specialised surgery Included   
Rehabilitation and physiotherapy  30 sessions - RHB locomotor system 30 sessions - RHB locomotor system - RHB cardiac - RHB post-cva 40 sessions - RHB locomotor system - RHB cardiac - RHB post-cva
Pre-natal Included   
Emergency hospitalisation (unit diagnosis) Maximum 3 days   Maximum 3 days, includes medication
Surgical hospitalisation Included   
Medical hospitalisation 7 days 30 days 60 days Unlimited stay, includes medication
Hospitalisation pediatric 7 days 30 days 60 days Unlimited stay, includes medication
Obstetric hospitalisation Included
Post surgical ICU 3 days/process 3 days/process 5 days/process 7 days/process
Medical ICU treatment - 15 days 30 days 60 days
Psychiatric hospitalisation - 30 days 45 days 60 days
Clinical oncology and chemotherapy Specialist diagnostics, OP Specialist diagnostics, OP, chemotherapy (anti-tumor medication)
Radiotherapy Conventional radiotherapy with linear electron accelerator (LINAC)   Conventional radiotherapy with linear electron accelerator (LINAC) and three dimensional planning
Artificial kidney and peritoneal dialysis - Acute kidney faliure
Annual medical check up - - As stated (1) As stated (1) & (2)
Ambulances One-way transport to clinic in an emergency
International Emergency Assistance Cover up to €12,000
Prostheses Ophthalmology: lenses.  General surgery: meshes.  Cardia stents in coronary angioplasties Up to €3,000 year/insured (3)


(1) Women. For prevention or early diagnosis of:

  • Breast and/or gynaecological disease. Includes consultation and clinical examination by a specialist, smear test, mammogram, mammary and gynaecological ultrasound.
  • Osteoporosis: bone densitometry.

(1) Men. For prevention and early diagnosis of:

  • Urological diseases. Includes: consultation and clinical examination by the specialist, urological ultrasound and analytical tests for PSA control.
  • Coronary disease. Includes: consultation and clinical examination by the specialist and electrocardiogram.

(2) Women and Men: For the prevention and early diagnosis of colon cancer. Includes consultation and clinical examination by the specialist and colonoscopy.

(3) Prostheses: internal orthopaedic hip and knee prosthesis, vascular by-pass, heart valves, stents and pacemakers. Cardiac stents in coronary angioplasties.

Note: The cover described is an extract from the general conditions and in isolation, has no contractual value.

Please contact us for more information

Health Insurance Quote

Data Security

All personal data (belonging to the Policy Holder, the Insured or Beneficiary), for the purpose of providing a quotation or taking out a Policy, shall be the responsibility of SOS Insurance (and where necessary incorporated into their files) for the following purposes:The management and suitability of our services for your particular profile, as well as the sending, by any means of communication (including electronic), in the cases mentioned and after the end of the contractual relationship, of loyalty actions, promotional surveys and draws, as well as commercial offers of insurance products, financial services or others related to the automobile or house insurance business promoted by SOS Insurance.


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Customer Reviews

Mrs J Bird (Pinoso)
February 17, 2020
Someone ran into the back of car I called SOS who guided me through what I needed to do. Thank you so much!
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