life insurance SOS Insurance

Life Insurance

We arrange life insurances which assist to support the financial stability of the insured’s family and can help towards payment of inheritance taxes.

Our normal policy covers -

  • Death for any reason including specifically accidents and road traffic accidents

 Additional coverage available for:-

  • Death of Spouse
  • Total permanent disability for any reason
  • Total permanent disability caused by an accident
  • Total permanent disability caused by a road accident
  • Critical illnesses
  • Funeral expenses including repatriation to the insured person’s normal country of residence, or if normally resident in Spain return to Spain if death occurs out of the country
  • The policy will provide up to 10% of the capital sum insured (or maximum of 3,000 ) to help towards the funeral costs.
  • Policy will continue until the age of 80
  • New policyholders accepted up to the age of 69


Please contact us for more information

Life Insurance Quote

Data Security

All personal data (belonging to the Policy Holder, the Insured or Beneficiary), for the purpose of providing a quotation or taking out a Policy, shall be the responsibility of SOS Insurance (and where necessary incorporated into their files) for the following purposes:The management and suitability of our services for your particular profile, as well as the sending, by any means of communication (including electronic), in the cases mentioned and after the end of the contractual relationship, of loyalty actions, promotional surveys and draws, as well as commercial offers of insurance products, financial services or others related to the automobile or house insurance business promoted by SOS Insurance.


Recommended Services

At SOS Insurance, we are proud to work alongside other professionals providing excellent services to the Ex Patriot Community and have no hesitation in promoting their Companies. If you would like further information, please click on the links below.


Customer Reviews

Mark Andrews
March 2, 2020
On the same day I had life insurance contracted and it was so very easy!!
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