funeral plans SOS Insurance

Funeral Plans

Providing peace of mind to you and your family

Funeral plans for expatriates living in Spain

Living in the warmth and friendship of an expatriate community has many benefits – but however strong your local friendships are, you can be a particularly long way from home at times of family grief.

Will your friends know what to do, who to call and how to help arrange a funeral to suit your own and your family’s wishes and do you have the funds readily available to pay for a funeral? Tracey Stackhouse Insurance are authorised Agents for Golden Leaves Pre Paid Funeral Plans and will help you pre-plan and make arrangements for your time of need.


Why Choose Golden Leavesfuneral plans Golden LeavesThe Plan is dual certificate. This means it covers you here in Spain and the UK.

  • Flexible payment methods
  • If you move back to the UK permanently, the plan goes back with you and a local funeral director is nominated in the UK
  • The plans are issued in English and you are provided with a 24 hours of the day 365 days of the year and all English
  • Once the plan is paid, the cost will never increase
  • The plans cover the cost of your funeral regardless of what the cost of a funeral is when needed
  • Once the plan has been arranged, your family do not need to worry about any of the arrangements
  • At the time of need, one phone call is made and everything is taken care of
  • Your funds are secured in an independently managed UK trust fund
  • Golden Leaves are owned by Roland Brothers International who are Funeral Directors themselves and have been in business since 1875
  • Golden Leaves have been providing funeral plans in Spain for the last 25 years
  • Members of the Funeral Planning Authority with UK guide lines
  • No health check!
  • You can be of ANY age
  • The plan can be paid for over 5 years and once its paid, its paid and will never increase in price. The day you begin your policy is the price its stays at

We offer three types of Funeral Plan

  1. The Opal,
  2. The pearl.
  3. Golden Plan – This is a repatriation plan.

Customer review.

Mrs T Throne

January 2020

My husband did not want to even think of this subject, he was totally against the idea of being pressured. However, SOS INSURANCE were amazing. Tracey emailed all of the information which I read through, spoke to my husband who agreed we could speak about it. We then contacted SOS, we were never hounded and given all of the information again. We then agreed it was a good idea and I now have that peace of mind, why should my children have to deal with this? Thank you so much too, Tracey.

Please contact us for more information

Funeral Plans

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All personal data (belonging to the Policy Holder, the Insured or Beneficiary), for the purpose of providing a quotation or taking out a Policy, shall be the responsibility of SOS Insurance (and where necessary incorporated into their files) for the following purposes:The management and suitability of our services for your particular profile, as well as the sending, by any means of communication (including electronic), in the cases mentioned and after the end of the contractual relationship, of loyalty actions, promotional surveys and draws, as well as commercial offers of insurance products, financial services or others related to the automobile or house insurance business promoted by SOS Insurance.


Recommended Services

At SOS Insurance, we are proud to work alongside other professionals providing excellent services to the Ex Patriot Community and have no hesitation in promoting their Companies. If you would like further information, please click on the links below.


Customer Reviews

Mrs G Green
September 10, 2012
Thanks for the policy documents for the funeral insurance for me and my husband. I can’t believe how low the premiums are each month and we now have peace of mind. You really explained everything very well to us and … read more
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